
The only thing constant in this world is change.

It's something I've grown to realize. So much happens and so much will continue to happen. I can look back at previous posts and see where my mind was. I can look forward into the future and see what I'd like to be there. I can focus on the present and see where I am. However, the only thing that will ever be constant is change. I will want change, crave change, achieve change.

The issue is not change. It's negative or positive change that is the problem child. Achieving positive change is and probably always will be the issue. I have witnessed so many changes all around me the past few months. I've seen people change for the better and change for the worse. I've seen people remain in a constant. My address has changed, my finances have changed, my mental anguish has changed, my diet has changed, my emotions ALWAYS change; everything about me has changed.

At first, I looked at myself and was upset that I wasn't where I wanted to be 6 months ago today. However, I see now that all I'd REALLY asked for was change. Positive change was implied, but really, change is all I achieved. I was upset at this fact. What I've come to realize is that it's OKAY that I achieved change, because change is constant. It's inevitable. It's healthy. The ups and downs of life are all change and as long as you realize that change is constant and change is normal, then you have the opportunity to grow, which is all we're ever looking to do anyway.

I need a positive change. Life will always be life. Change will always be change. I can't do anything about it except learn to live it and ask God for the strength wisdom and knowledge to persevere and get through it. I am constantly changing AND growing and all I can do is thank God for the growth. The good times, the bad times, they make you who you are.

My goal is to be a good person and to do God's will. I just want to succeed at that. I can't beat myself up over everything else. Life is too precious and there are more important things to worry about. Worrying doesn't change things. Action does.

If I'm unhappy with certain things in my life, then I need to take the necessary steps to change them. With God's help, I can do anything!!