Slowly, But Surely

Today had been an interesting day. I woke up mostly on my own, and I wasn't even sleepy! I've been taking vitamins and using this cleansing detox program and I think it's really helping. The detox symptoms are a bit annoying, but God is good anyway. I still haven't eaten breakfast yet and I need to do my workout so I have to figure both of those out. I'm completely broke and I really need to eat. This should be interesting cause there really isn't any food in the house. OK. Not much else to report at the moment. Like my new layout?? I think it's the cutest thing! Check out the side links, as they've changed a bit.

For those of you wondering if I'm still a vegetarian or a vegan, the answer is yes. I will say that the economy makes it tough to eat the things I would prefer to eat and actually makes me eat things that I really don't want, but I not gonna sacrifice overall health for the sake of "eating healthy". In life, there must be balance, and though I would LOVE to eat mostly raw foods, (which just means fruits, veggies, nuts, legumes, and sprouted grains) I know that that isn't practical. Not for me anyway. Every person needs to do what is best for them. When I can get back to my "ideal" diet, then wonderful. Until then, I'm not gonna malnourish myself. That's just foolish.

So. I will be eating to the best of my ability. For the record, I don't like tofu and soy products agitate my asthma, so it's harder than it seems. But with God, I can do anything! (Phil. 4:13).

Ok. I'm off to eat. Mwah!
