So about that 4lbs...

I weighed myself today just for laughs and I realized that my scale wasn't exactly calibrated correctly. I was looking at it and I noticed that even with nothing on it, it read "4lbs" or something like that. I fixed it so that it says "0" and now I'm gonna weigh myself. Brb. .................................The results are in! I am officially 212lbs! Praise God for my breakthrough! lol. I'm excited. And the best part is, I haven't even started my exercise program yet. So exciting stuff. I think STARTING the exercise is the hardest part. I'm all excited to be losing weight and to become a healthier, sexier (yeah, I said it) person, but I can't get my tail off the bed (cause I don't have a couch) to exercise. I'm active, but clearly not active enough. I'll work on that piece. I have another annoucement. I could make this a long story, but I won't. I don't beleive that I'm going to be 100% raw vegan for the rest of my life. I DO, however, hope to incorporate meat (GASP) back into my diet, and combine that with being 75-85% raw. Whatever that would mean. It's probably gonna be just chicken and fish, but still. I don't know when I'm gonna incorporate the meat back in, but right now, I'm still 95-100% raw. I'll let you guys know when I make the change. First I have to teach myself portion control, because the Word says in Phillipians 4:5 "Let your moderation be known unto all men..." So there you have it. EVERYTHING in moderation. Even water in excess will kill you. lol. So that's that.

In other news, I'm sitting here watching an infomercial and I'm highly contemplating buying this program. I've been looking at it for ages now and I think I'm ready to buy it. I'm broke at the moment, so it'll have to wait. In case anyone's curious, I'll post a link to it in a minute so all can check it out. Hopefully I'll get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight so I can be good at work tomorrow and not tired and stuff. We'll see. I'll let you guys know what I ate today (as I haven't really eaten that much in the last 2 days....oops).

Pad Thai
(mung bean sprouts, and sauce made with almond butter, ginger, orange juice, Bragg Liquid Aminos (its like raw soy sauce), and honey)

Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Cap
(portobello mushroom, guacamole (although I didn't like it. I guess I thought it was gonna taste like that guacamole I had in Mexico.....CLEARLY....)

Blueberry Pie!
(almonds (soaked and sprouted of course), dates (soaked), blueberries, bananas, honey)

And now, a word from our sponsors.....not really....