
I started this fast with my church on Sunday. It's a modified partial fast. There are 3 types of fasts you can do. The first is an absolute fast. This fast consists of no food and no water for an extended period of time. Then there's the normal fast where you just drink water. And finally, the partial fast is no "choice" food, like meat and sweets and things.

The modified partial fast that we're doing is basically a 3 week (21 day) fast that is done in 3 parts. Part 1 (The first week) is basically liquids only; either water, juice (100%), or the broth from soup. The second week you add fruit to the mix, eating 5-6 small meals a day of one fruit at a time, and the last week you can add veggies, raw or steamed.

Sounds great for a raw vegan, huh? I was excited because I figured this could jumpstart me into being 100% raw. Well, I started on Monday (We start Mondays and end Sundays) and I decided to just drink water. It's Wednesday now, and I haven't had anything besides water since Sunday night. I feel like I am going to collapse. Seriously. I'm shaking and I'm having a hard time even typing this blog. So what I think I'm going to do is drink some juice today so I can have some sort of calorie intake so I don't pass out. It's not even the hunger at this point. I think my body has realized that its not getting food, but now it's having a difficult time functioning.

The cravings and hunger pains were kinda bad yesterday, but I got through it. All this shaking and weakness has got me a little afraid. I feel catatonic and lethargic and I really feel like I left the rest of me at home. I don't know how I'm controlling my movements right now because I hardly have the energy to think. I've gotta do something, or else, I might not be able to finish this...